Vader Man
Momma Kitty
P.D. (Puppa Dog)
Sassy Doo
Miss Daisy
Mr. Rocco
Sadie "Good Girl"
Allie "Alligator"
Baby Roo
Kitty Kat Kenny
Nickel "Pickle Head"

P.D. (Puppa Dog)...

PD is our small Female Beagle (brown, black, tan and white). Our daughter brought PD into our life. She found PD at a farm in a big litter of puppies with her brothers and sisters. She said PD was by far the smallest of the beagle litter. PD was also our first ever beagle. Prior to PD we've had large dogs. "Spoiled" would be an under statement of the largest magnitude. PD has become as close as any of our dogs to being an inside dog. She does spend time in the pens like everyone else. But she sleeps in our house and is not very far away whenever there is food to be found. She is always on the look out for you to get up from your chair... and when you come back she has made her way into your seat and completely taken over the warm spot. Her favorite thing to do??? "EAT"... As time ticks on, PD continues bringing us much joy and love. She will always be our "Littleee, Babyyy, Puppaaa Doggg... Puppaaa Doggg..." (Thats a little song we sing...)