Vader Man
Momma Kitty
P.D. (Puppa Dog)
Sassy Doo
Miss Daisy
Mr. Rocco
Sadie "Good Girl"
Allie "Alligator"
Baby Roo
Kitty Kat Kenny
Nickel "Pickle Head"

Miss Daisy...

came to us by way of the local animal shelter. She is a brown/black/tan and white beagle. When I arrived at the shelter, miss daisy was in a dog pen with her best friend sassy doo. Sassy Doo was jumping and bouncing as to say pic me, pic me. Miss daisy was in the far back corner of the pen with her head down and shaking. After finishing up with checking out sassy doo and deciding to take her home I went back to the pen and looked at miss daisy again. As I stood there, she turned her head towards me and took a quick look and then back away.
I asked the very helpful staff member if I could see miss daisy also. She got her and we went out to the outside pen for a walk. Miss daisy would only move in very short, fast steps, stop immediately and her head went back down. I talked to her as she continued shaking hoping it would some how help to calm her. As I pet her head, she seem to rest for a moment. As I looked at her I knew there would be way that she would be adopted out in this scared and shaking state. So... as the story goes... the rest is history. we walked out of the shelter that day with 2 forever dogs. Miss daisy and her best friend to this day, sassy doo. Miss daisy has truly come a long way. She shares her pen with sassy doo. When its time for the bathroom/potty breaks the race begins. These days miss daisy always wins the race to the back fence as sassy doo legs are not what they use to be. But...every so often I hold miss daisy back to give sassy doo a little head start and as sassy reaches the fence first I can see her turn and if to smile and say “I won”... miss daisy doesn't seem to mind and as she reaches sassy doo its almost like she says “ill win next time”... it takes a little time to get all of the dogs out of the pens for a break. But one of my favorite/bring a smile to my face things is when I finally get out the door, miss daisy at the back fence spots me and comes running back to me as to say hello and say how happy she is to be here and to Just Being A Dog...