Vader Man
Momma Kitty
P.D. (Puppa Dog)
Sassy Doo
Miss Daisy
Mr. Rocco
Sadie "Good Girl"
Allie "Alligator"
Baby Roo
Kitty Kat Kenny
Nickel "Pickle Head"

Dog Hair?

Dog hair you may ask? Yes, we have dog hair. When you have dogs, you have dog hair. Sometimes it seems like it's everywhere. So, what do we do about it. First, don't forget the vacuum. I know, i hate vacuuming also. Vacuum as often as you can to help with getting the dog hair up and out at least weekly. Don't forget to change the vacuum bags often. We use throws on chairs that the dogs lay on.This helps a lot with controlling not only the hair but it helps with any left behind smells. Wash the throws often at least 2 times a week. We use "Scotch Fur Fighters" and "Pledge" hair pick up rollers for spot pick up areas. They work well, they are easy and fast to use. Dog Baths are a must. A bath helps remove loose hair and keeps the loose hair at a minimum. A clean smelling dog helps with stopping and spreading of bad oder's. Don't forget that brushing your dogs coat helps with removing the loose hair. Can't say we do this one a lot. But, it does help when you have the time to do it. That's about it on the dog hair stuff. I gotta go for now and get back to cleaning up dog hair...